Friday, October 21, 2011

In honor of two months...

Things I miss and can't wait to have when I get back to the states. Coupled with a slightly more optimistic things I do like about here.

  1. My personal bubble space. Ranks pretty high up there. Some people violate it on purpose, and others on accident. Either way, there's a limit that just gets pushed here that I'd like set back in stone!
  2. My friends from both Gettysburg and home. I miss you guys. You understand me and the way I am and I couldn't ask for anything more at this point right now.
  3. My bed. This one here gives me back problems. I do love it at the end of the day though, regardless!
  4. My puppy! (Hi, Dodger!)
  5. Cinnamon toast and hot chocolate (shout out to Mom, heads up on what to stock up on when I come home ;] )
  6. Grilled cheese sandwiches. Real. Grilled cheeses (Memaw, I'm looking at you.). The ones here are just a piece of untoasted bread and half melted cheese. Not. Satisfying.
  7. Gettysburg College. How little and tiny and quaint and home you are!
  8. Cheesecake.
  9. Servo cookies.
  10. Muss. floor four! (Shout out to Michael, Greg, Julie, Emily, Smitty, Alex, Rose, Laura, and Madison). 
  11. My own mailbox. Seriously. The mail system is poo here.
  12. My books! :D
  13. Driving.
  14. Martin's potato chips!
  15. Brownies. 
  16. Ice cream.
  17. Northeastern, surprisingly. I do miss some of the staff/teachers that helped me through those four years (some periods of which were really rough)! 
  18. Cold that is not caused by air conditioning.
  19. Coats.
  20. Fireplaces.
  21. RAIN.
Things I like about my two months here:
  1. Not being bothered when I shop in City Stars.
  2. When it gets cold out in New Cairo and I can wear a coat.
  3. Classes I would've never gotten to take anywhere but in Cairo.
  4. Travelling.
  5. Meeting people from all over the world and the states.
  6. The currency exchange rate!
  7. Nola and Crumbs cupcakes. Done.
  8. Monginis.
  9. Zamalek island - totally isolated, but still Cairo!
  10. New Cairo's semi-lack of smog.
  11. A completely different sense of independence.
  12. Forgetting I live here in a different country and then in random moments remembering - "Hey, this is EGYPT."
  13. Stray cats. SO. MANY.
  14. Something is always going on!
  15. The pyramids and the Ancient Egyptian culture.
  16. My four hiding spots in the AUC Library. Yes, four, as sometimes three of my spots are occupied and I have to find another. I'm sure I'll have about six spots by the end of the year, if not more.
  17. Jared's bagels. At least I get cream cheese here and bagels!

Happy two months!
62 days left to go.

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